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Our Work

Home Sectors


The British-Irish Council’s thematic work is structured around three over-arching pillars: Climate and Decarbonisation; Culture and Heritage; and Economic and Social Inclusion.

These three pillars encompass the British-Irish Council’s ten workstreams.

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Climate & Decarbonisation

Climate and Decarbonisation is a key focus for the BIC's Member Administrations, with engagement channelled particularly through the Energy, Housing and Transport Work Sectors. Through these groups, officials and Ministers are sharing best practice on ways to conserve the precious environment and landscapes across these islands, alongside efforts from members to decarbonise their economies.

Climate & Decarbonisation
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Culture & Heritage

Encompassed within this cluster are the the Creative Industries and Indigenous, Minority and Lesser-Used (IML) Languages Work Sectors. Through these groups, members share best practice on ways to not only ensure the continuity of their media, creative industries and languages, but to ensure they grow and thrive long into the future.

Culture & Heritage
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Economic & Social Inclusion

Early Years, Social Inclusion, Housing, Transport and Planning and Places sit within the Economic and Social Inclusion Cluster. Through these work sectors, members productively engage and share experiences on a range of  areas which are often some of the most pressing and immediate issues that affect the peoples of these islands.

Economic & Social Inclusion
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